Digging and Developing Your Own Water Well

Developing Water Wells 101 

A sure fire smart and attractive addition to any homeowners property in Washington State is the water well, because of the style that it brings and the huge savings on utility cost. As with anything worthwhile, there are a some things that should be learned prior to the process before you initiate the digging your own Yakima, Benton & Kittitas County water well.

The traditional method which has been used and it’s been used for as long as history remembers is just the simple act of digging, which as we all know can be a laborious affair especially when you apply as much digging to a task like this. Really, for the most part, the relatively monumentus job of digging a well has always be employed as a community effort, which included the able bodied to take part in the labor in order to spread the work.

To put it simply, digging a well is certainly not a one-man gig but if you pull the right resources together, you can get the job done very cheap.

The time it consumes plus the blood, sweat and tears put into it can easily make all these advantages look dismal after a while. Other ways for which a water well is forged is by a hammer, drills and a wide array of various machines. So, just as an example, let us ponder the idea that you agreed to take this hefty challenge on and you are primed and ready to take your best college try. Well, since eagerness appears to be of the essence, let’s go for it.

The first things you want to do is pull out your rolodex and try to call up every one of your friends and then have them call every one of their friends. An army is what you should inquire about.

Prior to building up that layer of dirt and sweat, a few technical matters at hand would be a great idea to acknowledge.

The overall concept in digging your own water well as deep as you can until you hit either the aquifer or some of the groundwater. The question is, how do you have any notion that you have groundwater inside the earth of your property? The belief is that there is some form of groundwater virtually anywhere in the world.

The iffy part is exactly how deep the water goes. In a scenario of yours, let us just keep our fingers cross that it is not too deep!

The best way to get this information is through geophysical imaging with your parcel number. The parcel number can be located on your property tax and assessment statement. By using this parcel number, you can find the depths of water wells in your area or what your well drillers call zones, by the use of the Washington State Department of Ecology Web Site, (abbreviated) WSDOE. You may also find information by the use of Topographic maps, these maps show the surface features and their elevations which can be used to plot well locations. Together (geophysical & Topographic) can determine whether a particular area has sufficient groundwater & the approximate depths.

Broad Wells Classifications

Most aquifers are at the depth of the water table; these are called unconfined aquifers, as all the material above them is porous.

Confined aquifers are covered by nonporous layers, which, although they push the static water level above the top of the aquifer, are more difficult to drill into.
Water tables are not uniformly level, but follow ground contours to some extent. The water table is nearer the surface in valleys; particularly those formed by rivers or creeks, and are harder to access at higher elevations.

1. Unconfined or Shallow: The aquifer which will be the most likely to make contact with is either shallow or unconfined. Even though, with the greatest of ease, the water reserves can be attained and then extracted. There are of course some downfalls to this part, simply because of the hollow depths and the fact that it is an unconfined part of nature, there then becomes brand new elements of hazards. The possible contamination of salination is always one-step ahead of you. This area is also considered the highest point of moisture, the water certainly has instability, and there is a good chance to evaporate completely in the particularly warm and dry parts of the year.

2. Unconfined or Deep: These aquifers in question are the ultimate goal for what you are inevitably searching for. The idea of doffing with a shovel and pick seems a little outlandish though. These are unfortunately located in between tow hermetic stratas, which must be penetrated before you can assume going forward. Its confined nature along with its depth, the risk of contamination lessens considerably.

The decision, which you will make regarding whether or not the well will be unconfined or confined, is of course a relative idea.

• Discovering what it exactly entails is possibly how deep the water table in the general area of the recharge and rate location.
• Discovering the typical patterns of the season in your local region.

These can most certainly save an immense amount of time, work and all the simple reality is that everybody does not all own the ideal piece of land for shallow water well.

On to the next step and it looks like a safe bet that you have found that your land that will be most suitable for your water well and you have now decided that now is the best time to get it going.

The following step is to select the segment of land that would work best, Drill the well away from any potential contaminants. Animal feedlots, buried fuel tanks, waste disposal and septic systems can all pollute groundwater.

?     What are the requirements for the location of the well site and access to the well?

Answer:     All wells in the Yakima, Benton & Kittitas Counties shall not be located within certain minimum distances of known or potential sources of contamination!

⇒Wells should be drilled in places where they can easily be reached for maintenance.

The proposed water well shall be located where it is not subject to ponding and is not in the floodway.

• It shall be protected from a one hundred-year flood and from any surface or subsurface drainage capable of impairing the quality of the ground water supply.

Existing building structure or building projection.

• Five feet garages, barns, storage buildings or dwellings. When locating nonpublic water well adjacent to a building, the well location shall be measured from the building sewer and closest building projection.

Septic systems:

• Fifty feet from a septic tank, septic holding tank, septic containment vessel, septic pump chamber, and septic distribution box.

Drain field:

• One hundred feet from the edge of a drain field, proposed drain field, which has been approved by a health authority, and reserve drain field areas.


• Fifty feet from building sewers, public sewers, collection and nonperforated sewer distribution lines except building drains.

Hazardous waste sites:

• One thousand feet from the property boundary of other solid waste landfills. Except, a variance may be granted if documentation is provided that demonstrates the construction and operation of the well adjacent to the landfill will not further degrade the environment and will not cause a public health risk.

Get whatever well-drilling permits required.    

Consult the appropriate municipal and state agencies to find out what permits you need to obtain before drilling and any regulations that govern drilling wells. We have one of the best Washington State Department of Ecology’s located right here in Yakima County and they will assist you on the correct requirements needed.

   Eliminate All Hazardous Work Conditions

What comes next is a relatively simple task and it is all about the digging and the act of more digging.      The area of space will get most certainly tight but the need to fit at least one worker is a must. There is always the hazard of one side completely collapsing on the diggers as they work, the danger imposes serious threats and the issue must be handled carefully prior to initiation of work.

Now lets get down to business
drill your water well!

We have teamed with http://www.drillyourownwell.com/index.htm to give you the most informative assistance with your water well adventure.

Hover your pointer over the above website/ click and you will begin one of the wisest, most economic decisions which will better your home life and property owning endeavors. Not to mention the water taste great and it always make for great bathing.

This article brought to you by:  

Apple Valley Well Drilling, Inc.  509-697-6605
Serving Washington: Yakima, Kittitas & Benton Counties




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